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The Spoils

Start Date

Started in 2008


surf, psych, instro, garage, punk

Band Members

Kaleb - guitar
Elena - drums
Dave - bass


Austin, TX

Record Label

Deep Eddy

Short Description

Surfin' ATX

Long Description

reverb, noise

Current Location

Austin, TX

Artists We Also Like

Daikaiju, The Really Rottens, The Mighty Landshark!, The Del-Vipers, Los SuperAvengers, PANGIA, King Pelican, The Phantomatics, Nematoads, The Poi Pounders


Laika & the Cosmonauts, Dick Dale, Savage Republic, The Mermen, The Ventures, Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet, Zorba & The Greeks, The Pyramids, The Sentinals, The Chantays, Bobby Fuller, The Shadows, The Chandelles, Man... Or Astro-Man?, The Trashwomen

Band Interests

Affinity Fraud, Mass Psychology, Jevans Paradox, Revolving Doors, Moral Hazard



Press Contact

Kaleb Asplund

Booking Agent

Kaleb Asplund - kcasplund{at}

From: kaleb asplund <>
Subject: The Spoils bio
Date: September 9, 2016 at 7:02:23 PM CDT
To: Cindy Marabito <>
Reply-To: kaleb asplund <>

Hi Cindy! I forgot to send this to you when I finished, here you go!

The Spoils
Guitar: Kaleb Asplund (Karaoke Underground, Math Patrol, Second Saturday Surf)
Drums: Elena Pinto-Torres (The Smears, Austin Samba)
Bass: Dave Norwood (The Gary)

Influenced by: Surf, punk, noise rock, financial and political corruption, folk music from Latin America, Eastern Europe and Asia.

Exploding out of Southern California in the early '60s, "surf" music has mutated constantly since. Once the hip sound of youth, it was cast out as a childish relic by those same young surfers as they grew into late '60s psychedelia, dismissed by no less an icon than Jimi Hendrix. Recast as a square sound for tourists, or at best a retro style for hipsters, surf rock lives on mainly due to the strength of its connection to the sound of reverb-drenched electric guitar.

So surf has a history, but what can it do NOW? That's the question that burns beneath The Spoils' sound, applying familiar Fender reverb to a furious noise rooted in rage at the blatant theft of humanity's wealth and the planet's resources by those who already have too much. Using surf's near-universal populist appeal, The Spoils expand its rhythmic vocabulary beyond beachy backbeats into Brazilian samba, Japanese taiko, Russian folk and gnarled math-rock. Deceptively simple, catchy melodies sweeten the dense layers of feedback and double-picked guitar, with nods to the band's shared love of garage rock and post-punk along the way.

Getting into surf rock can feel like stepping into the Wayback Machine. You're immediately surrounded by Hawaiian shirts and tiki drinks on one side, hot rods and old horror icons on the other, with a generous helping of sci-fi and Space Race memorabilia all round. The Spoils toss all those costumes to the side and start a new kind of dance toward a better future.

"The Spoils are the best example of how to take surfy, dirty, sneaky, nasty rock 'n roll and make it their own. As fun as fun can be. If you get a chance to see them live LIKE I JUST DID, then do it. Bring your dancing ass." - Chad Chooch, Reverb Bomb

The Spoils Bandcamp
The Spoils Facebook
The Spoils - Moral Hazard

1 comment:

  1. March 11, 2018 (Sunday) - at 4th Tap

    this show is free.

    4th Tap Brewing Co-op
    10615 Metric Blvd, Austin, Texas 78758

    3pm - The Spoils
    4pm - Los SuperAvengers
    5pm - The Nematoads
    Food Truck: Texas Chili Queens

    facebook event version 1

    facebook event version 2
