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Scorpio Rising
Electronic -
Rock -
get it up
Band Members
♫ ♏adame Scorpio ♫
Armando ♫
Wonderbred ♫
Austin, TX
Record Label
Scorp Records
Short Description
Scorpio Rising is an electro, dance, rock band, whose recordings & intense live performances have made them #1 EDM/Dance band in 15-16 Austin Music Awards.
Scorpio Rising is an electro, dance, rock band from Austin, Texas, whose recordings and intense live performances have made them one of Austins premiere entertainment commodities. Hailed as one of Austins best, voted as #1 EDM/Dance band in 15-16 Austin Music Awards.
Scorpio Rising has held top 10 rating in Dance, EDM, electronica, Goth, Industrial, Avant-garde and dj bands in the Austin Chronicle Music Poll over the past years. Scorpio Risings fans have likened their sound to The Rolling Stones meet Scissor Sisters, polished with a touch of Motown.
Scorpio Rising has built a diverse and loyal fan base playing consistently in the Texas region. Some appearances include the Central Texas State Fair, SXSW showcase, Annual GoGirls Music Fest, Art Outside, Pecan Street Festival, Eeyores birthday party, Annual Austin Corn Lovers Fiesta,
Whoopsy Fest and Pocket Fishrmen Fishfy.
Scorpio Risings debut recording, Scorpio Tales was written, recorded, and produced by Wonderbred and Madame Scorpio. Their sophomore effort,
Vain Bastard was a full band effort and included songs Get It Up and Eerie, which have both enjoyed publishing success and can be heard on The Discovery Network, a compilation CD release from the WB network, clothing ads, and video game song distribution. In July 2008, the band released Feels Good, followed by the EP, The last one Standing, released in May 2010 after Madame Scorpio battled Breast Cancer. Their song "Always Come Back" was featured in the 2009 movie Vitreous Floaters.
Scorpio Rising released the single Summer Jam 2013, and currently writing and recording an upcoming EP to release 2016. The band recently recorded "Love Song" for the Dicks From Texas and Friends CD released along with the movie premiere.
Scorpio Rising is: Wonderbred, Armando, and Madame Scorpio
For more information, please visit
Other Accounts
Booking Agent
Screech of Death
Band Members
Lisafer (Bass / Lead Vocals)
J.R. Delgado (Guitar / Vocals)
Arthur Hays (Drums / Vocals)
Record Label
Axiom Underground
Short Description
High fidelity sound reproduction of the freaking kind. Street punk / Oi! / Art o-rama.
Long Description
With J.R. Delgado who spiced up the likes of Party Owls, Anarchitex, Doomsday, and Humungus (feat. Nicki Sicki & Cheetah Chrome), Lisafer as the rock for Snap-Her, the Resistance, U.X.A, The Fag Hags, Nina Hagen, D.I., 45 Grave and Hey! (feat. Texacala Jones), and Arthur Hays who is the backbeat of the Next, the Mystery dates, Hickoids, and Bang Gang......... this band is made up of seasoned and well marinated punk rock veterans who have recorded and toured with many. Here to have fun doing what they love and bringing a good time to all. Keep your eye on, we will be in a town near you! Keep Punk Alive!!!!
Screech of Death was formed in October 2013 by J.R. Delgado, Arthur Hays & Lisafer (Lisa Pifer).
There was a desire for the guys from Texas to play "Southern California Punk Rock with a Texas Twang" with the girl and so a band was born in the garage.
Current Location
Houston, TX
Band Members
Lisafer (Bass / Lead Vocals)
J.R. Delgado (Guitar / Vocals)
Arthur Hays (Drums / Vocals)
Record Label
Axiom Underground
Short Description
High fidelity sound reproduction of the freaking kind. Street punk / Oi! / Art o-rama.
Long Description
With J.R. Delgado who spiced up the likes of Party Owls, Anarchitex, Doomsday, and Humungus (feat. Nicki Sicki & Cheetah Chrome), Lisafer as the rock for Snap-Her, the Resistance, U.X.A, The Fag Hags, Nina Hagen, D.I., 45 Grave and Hey! (feat. Texacala Jones), and Arthur Hays who is the backbeat of the Next, the Mystery dates, Hickoids, and Bang Gang......... this band is made up of seasoned and well marinated punk rock veterans who have recorded and toured with many. Here to have fun doing what they love and bringing a good time to all. Keep your eye on, we will be in a town near you! Keep Punk Alive!!!!
Screech of Death was formed in October 2013 by J.R. Delgado, Arthur Hays & Lisafer (Lisa Pifer).
There was a desire for the guys from Texas to play "Southern California Punk Rock with a Texas Twang" with the girl and so a band was born in the garage.
Current Location
Houston, TX
Punk Rock
Band Members
Vocals - Manuel Segovia
Guitars - Steve Vile
Bass - Chris Krebs
Drums - DRI Jerry
San Antonio, TX
Record Label
Short Description
Making Punk a Threat Again! Because we don't f*ckin' care! Up the Punx!
For Booking:
Hailing from San Antonio, Texas, THE SEMI-AUTOMATICS started back in the mid-90’s at a time when the violent 80’s punks began to grow up and out of the scene. Well, that was just the motivation needed to pull the trigger on this culture frontier, pick up a guitar, and make their distinctive aggressive sound. They take heavy influence from anarchist propaganda, bands like Chaos U.K, The Exploited, seditionaries, and cider!
Withstanding conflicting member changes, the current and strongest line-up to date; THE SEMI-AUTOMATICS are: Manuel Segovia(vocals), Stevie Ray Vile(guitar), Jerry Lonely(drums), and Half Sak (bass). Their just-released vinyl E.P, 'Violent', is a 3 song, rapid fire bullet-laden wax circle that screams Revolution. Feeling enraged? Have some fun and check out THE SEMI-AUTOMATICS’ new E.P and live shows in 2015.
Current Location
San Antonio, TX
General Manager
Other Accounts Service) Service)
Press Contact
Chuckie Goria
Boot to mouth booking and management attn:semi automatics
Booking Agent
The Service Industry
Rock; Pop
Band Members
Robbie Araiza, Travis Garaffa, Julie Lowery, Andy Thomas, Hunter Darby, Mike McCoy
Austin, Texas
Record Label
Short Description
Jodi-ass Andy Pants! Damn. Talk a fool
The Service Industry
Mike McCoy — Vocals
Other Bands: Cher U.K., The American People, The Black Rabbits, Wood
Roses and Th... See More
Current Location
Austin, TX
Press Contact
Jo Rae Di Menno
Shawn David McMillen Band
Band Members
SD McMillen and JJ Ruiz and Mitch Frazier
SDM is Shawn and JJ
12XU Records
LPs, cassettes
General Manager
Other Accounts
Press Contact
Bobby Lynn Shehorn

Teaming with Louisiana Rockabilly/R&B
singer-songwriter Bobby Charles in Austin in 1969, they eventually
landed in Woodstock, NY, where they played with Chicago Blues icon Paul
Butterfield. Back in Austin, Bobby Lynn Shehorn became part of the
Progressive Country Music movement of the 70s, but never stopped
including Blues in his show. By the late 70s, Shehorn had added more
soul tunes to his repertoire, booking gigs at Alexander’s, a black club
in South Austin. Returning to Woodstock in 1980, Paul Butterfield
accompanied Shehorn at his first gig back in New York.
Playing with other great players in New York in the
80s like Pee Wee Ellis (James Brown), Rick Danko, Levon Helm, Sredni
Vollmer (Don Covay), Beki Brindle (Yank Rachell), and Howie Wyeth (Bob
Dylan), Bobby Lynn Shehorn found his Blues calling when he moved to
Louisiana in 1988. In Baton Rouge, Shehorn became a regular at Tabby’s
Blues Box, where he jammed with legends Silas Hogan, Guitar Kelly, Tabby
Thomas, Chris Thomas King, Henry Gray, and the Neal Brothers. Silas
Hogan and Guitar Kelly showed a special interest in Shehorn and became
his mentors.
Relocating to the rich Blues scene in Dallas in 1990,
Bobby Lynn Shehorn performed with many great Blues players, including
Sam Myers, Joe Jonas, Curly “Barefoot” Miller, Charlie Robinson, Brian
“Hash Brown” Calway, Big Al Dupree, and Tommy Hill.
Back again in Austin since 2005, Bobby Lynn Shehorn
has recently released a new album with Yellow Rose Records that
documents his diverse Blues history titled “Still Called The Blues,”
featuring his original compositions as well as covers by Bobby Charles,
Johnnie Taylor, Paul Butterfield, Clarence “Frogman” Henry, Silas Hogan,
and Percy Sledge.
“Still Called The Blues” is getting radio airplay
across America and in Europe, as sales figures and Bobby Lynn Shehorn
fans steadily increase.
Shitty Advice
Start Date
Founded in 2009
Punk rock
Band Members
Candido-vocals, Curly-guitar, Zach-guitar, James-bass
Austin, TX
Short Description
Born in 2009, through several lineup changes, Shitty Advice brings a mix of punk rock, hardcore and ska to an inevitable dying Austin underground scene.
Plural (mixed)
Personal Interests
Alcohol, bananas, family size potato chip bags, romantic Eastern European literature, polka dots.
Current Location
Austin, TX
General Manager
Jimmy Hart
Austin, Texas
Record Label
Short Description
Hailing from Austin Texas, Shoulders has married jazz, folk, rock, blues and cabaret into something that people think sounds excellent since the late twentieth century.
Upon seeing the band Shoulders perform, Ira Robbins of Newsday wrote, “Led by guttural singer Michael Slattery, the raucously amplified acoustic group - imagine a street band celebrating Mardi Gras, Halloween and St. Patrick's Day simultaneously - stoked its bonfire with Kurt Weill and sea chanteys alike; its literary lyrics ran the gamut from Hemingway to Hammett.”
The first songs of Shoulders co-founders Michael Slattery and Todd Kassens were conceived over bottles of generic gin in run-down Los Angeles apartments and New York walk-ups, and were taped on a True Tone cassette recorder, with additional percussion provided by the irritated pounding on the floor above or the ceiling below, and with sound effects provided by the blowing horns and screeching brakes on the streets outside their open windows.
By the late 1980s both were back in Austin, Texas, where they had originally met, and where they resumed their exploration of poetry, music, and performance without much knowledge of or concern for how “successful” bands were supposed to sound. After winning free studio time in a battle-of-the-bands contest, they discovered (along with first-time drummer Molly Stevens) that drums were actually supposed to be tuned, like guitars. Unsure of how that applied to the broken appliances and pipes they were beating on, they evolved to more traditional instruments such as parade drum, trombone and tuba, or with beats and noise from Roy Christmann’s synthesizer when nothing else could augment the surreal storytelling.
“The music of Shoulders carries a hint of the eerily surreal – an insane, incandescent, gut-level beauty.”
Shoulders’ first consistent audiences were populated by expressive modern dancers and fearless punk rockers without preconceived pigeonholing notions of genre-constricting categories that the band needed to fit in. With the addition of Alan Williams on drums, Chris Black on bass, John Hagen on cello, and Max Crawford on accordion and trumpet, Shoulders segued from taco shop patios and basement bookstores to premiere Austin venues including the Continental Club, Cactus Cafe, Liberty Lunch, the Hole in the Wall, and La Zona Rosa. The early 1990s also saw the group win four consecutive Austin Chronicle Music Awards for Best Avant-Garde Band, after which the category was abandoned as the music was here to stay.
“A raucous band with poignant, ‘thinkable’ lyrics and something heavy to say.”
Riding on the success of 1989’s self-produced Hungry Man’s Dance, Shoulders signed with the French label Musidisc, releasing the albums Trashman Shoes and The Fun Never Stops to radiant reviews and expanding audiences won through many tours of Europe and the U.S. (shows with The Pogues in the early 1990s remain among the band’s most memorable). Notorious performances known for improvised musical storytelling, youthful acrobatics, heart-pounding rock, and heart-breaking ballads increased the band’s popularity with audiences and promoters everywhere.
Questionable label dealings, drifting musicians, health issues, family comedies, and real personal tragedies unfortunately crippled the band at its apex. Now, Shoulders – made up of Slattery, Kassens, Williams, and veteran bass player Hunter Darby -- has returned with new songs and renewed vigor to challenge the musical landscape once again, armed with 12 new and never before released recordings for the appropriately titled CD Another Round.
Another Round features the talents of Slattery, Kassens, Williams, Darby, Hagen, Crawford, and Black, along with very special guest Christian Hervé (on accordion).
Discography (full-length albums): Local Zoo, Hungry Man’s Dance, Love is My Crime, Trashman Shoes, The Fun Never Stops, Another Round
Notable Quotes:
“The band is literally bursting with personality, playing a twisted, inside-out brand of blues, discordant jazz-inflected folk, ethnic jigs, dance tunes, and just about everything in between.” -Luke Torn, Austin Chronicle
“The music of Shoulders carries a hint of the eerily surreal – an insane, incandescent, gut-level beauty.” -Alvaro Rodriguez, The Daily Texan
“A raucous band with poignant, ‘thinkable’ lyrics and something heavy to say.” -Memphis Star
“Trying to describe Shoulders is like trying to describe how something tastes: you don’t know why but you like it.” -Michael Toland, Pop Culture Press
“Michael Slattery est un excellent songwriter qui ecrivait des pieces de theatre et qui aimerait, a l’avenir, publier des romans et vous comprendrez que nous n’avons pas affaire aux enfants de choeur d’Indochine mais que nous sommes face a un nouveau bastion virtuel du rock’n roll, mi rustique, mi litteraire!” -Luigi Checcozzo, Sortir
[Translation: “Michael Slattery is a great songwriter who has written plays for the theater and who will, in the future, publish novels, and you must understand that we are not dealing with altar boys in Indochina but what we are facing is a new virtual bastion of rock ‘n roll, half rustic, half literary!”]
Shut Out
Members: Ben Andrews-Lead Vox, Jeremy Estes-Bass & Backup Vox, Jack Buras-Rhythm Guitar, James Santiago Ruiz- Drums,
Genre: Punk Rock
Hometown: Houston, TX
Sick Culture
Short Description
Waco Thrash Rock
Kyle - Vocals
Robert - Guitar
Tyler - Drums
Band Members
Hurricane G: Vocals
Black Susan: Vocals
Wrench: Guitar
Penny Prozac: Bass
JC Super: Drums
Record Label
BVI Records
Short Description
We've Been Torn Apart By Wolves
Long Description
SKINK is a 5 piece Austin based Grunge, Punk, Rock band. The band is fronted by their dual evil genius lead singers Hurricane G and Black Susan. Wrench delivers super distorted riffs and waves of feedback on the guitar. Penny Prozac rocks the thunderous low end on the bass that will rattle you to your very core. The glue holding this ball of insanity together is JC Super on the drums. Their songs are often out there and humorous. The subject matter ranging everywhere from breakups, pizza, and even being torn apart by wolves.
The Slizz
Start Date
Created in 2012
Band Members
Allen BriZzlin- Vox
Rob Yazzie- Hand that feeds the Bass.
Victor Gwennvael- Guitars
Cody Combs-Guitars
Fuckin Marty- The Beats
Austin, TX
Record Label
Long Description
Current Location
Austin, TX
Prince, G.G. Allin, Morrissey
Press Contact
FB us.
Release Date
January 2015
Dark Disco
Band Members
Slooom To be half asleep :// to move or wander slowly or silently-
Austin, TX
Short Description
"Slooom evokes the dream state: musically atmospheric, conceptually abstract, and tranquil in effect."..
The Austin Chronicle
Long Description
Like a drop of honey under the mosquito's proboscis
"Honey" Trailer
"Honey" Music Video
Slooom To be half asleep :// to move or wander slowly or silently//:
Slooom is an Austin based dark-pop electronic duo. Combining electronic audio/visual experiences and elements of current pop artists like Sia with more abstract electronic music like the Knife and the Books, Slooom evokes the dream state: musically atmospheric, conceptually abstract, and tranquil in effect. Slooom is to release each song off their upcoming EP with a continuous story driven vision.
"Slooom evokes the dream state: musically atmospheric, conceptually abstract, and tranquil in effect."...
“Honey” is dark and sensual, a sort of dystopian love-affair.
"...multiple realities all fated to the same end.."
"Slooom evokes the dream state"
"Video Of the Year" and "Best Director" at the Austin Music Video Awards
Plural (mixed)
Personal Information
Slooom//To be half asleep :// to move or wander slowly or silently-//
Current Location
Austin, TX
General Manager
Lauren Bruno
Artists We Also Like
Little Dragon
Flying Lotus
Slow Magic
Press Contact
Booking Agent
David Bowie
Founded in 2010
Band Members
Garry Franklin, Mark Milot, J Dexon Hall, Ben Jansen
Record Label
Buffalo Hearse
Short Description
Heavy rayuffs from Austin Texas.
Long Description
In the twentieth century, the search for a unifying theory was interrupted by the discovery of the strong and weak nuclear forces (or interactions), which differ both from gravity and from electromagnetism. A further hurdle was the acceptance that in a TOE, quantum mechanics had to be incorporated from the start, rather than emerging as a consequence of a deterministic unified theory.
Current Location
Austin, TX
Artists We Also Like
Graveyard, Clutch, Ghost, Mastodon, High on Fire
Band Interests
Moving gear from practice space to van. Moving gear from van to backstage. Moving gear from backstage to stage. Kicking ass. Moving gear from stage to backstage. Moving gear from backstage to van. Moving gear from van to practice space. Repeat.
Booking Agent
The Smashed Idols
MegaPunk Rock
Band Members
Record Label
Short Description
Rock punk out of Texas
Long Description
The Smashed Idols hail from Houston, Texas where we rip up the scene with hooky guitar, bass, and drumz. We like to mix it up with hot space sauce and alien lyrics. The jam Bring The Invasion was influenced by Stephen Hawking's warning that we need to colonize other planets before we get visited by our nasty neighbors. Check out our other juicy tracks on SoundCloud!
The Smashed Idols
The Smashed Idols hail from Houston, Texas where we rip up the scene with hooky guitar, bass, and drumz. We like to mix it up with hot space sauce and alien lyrics. The jam Bring The Invasion was influenced by Stephen Hawking's warning that we need to colonize other planets before we get visited by our nasty neighbors. Check out our other juicy tracks on SoundCloud!
The Smashed Idols
Personal Information
John drums
Dave bass
George guitar
Artists We Also Like
the pixies, zz top, rolling stones, the cure
Press Contact
The Smokin’ Burnouts
Founded in 2014
Band Members
Steve Lumm The Rock and Roll Mechanic - guitar, vocals
Mr. Clay Fiske - bass
Scott Williams - drums
Patrick Kenan - lead guitar
Austin, TX
Short Description
The Smokin' Burnouts are a rawk and roll band from Austin, TX. that dredge the sounds of old school punk, rockabilly, surf and blues.
Steve, Scott and Clay got together in the fall of 2013. All had played in bands before and Steve was looking to create an outlet for the songs he had been writing. Steve had already conceived the name for the band from being an auto mechanic and a fan of muscle cars. The three bring their different influences and playing styles to the group to create a blend of old school rock and punk with some surf and twang thrown in for good measure. Enjoy.
Current Location
Austin, TX
Artists We Also Like
The Lazy Cowgirls, The Bloody Hollies, The Datsuns, The Hellacopters, The Reverend Horton Heat, Social Distortion, X, Link Wray, Dick Dale,
The Ramones, Supersuckers, The Bloody Hollies, Social Distortion, The Reverend Horton Heat, Hank Williams Sr.,
Sober Daze
Members: Fatty- Guitar/Vocals Alex Rager- Guitar/Vocals Peter Daze- Bass/Vocals Killa Korn- Drums
Genre: Punk / Skate Punk
Hometown: Austin, TX
Solid Goat
Members: J Dylan Rhoads
Travis Retina
Matt Sz
Genre: music
Hometown: Austin, TX
Solid Goat is my main band. Worthless Humans are releasing 1 more album and splitting up in March./
We are currently in the studio recording our 2nd album "The War on Terra". My email is
Something Called Nothing
Rockabilly swing punk fusion
Band Members
Jason Es. - Bass, Adam G.- Drums, Virginia L - Vocals/Guitar
Austin TX
Short Description
Rockabilly swing punk fusion
Current Location
Austin TX
General Manager
Virginia Lopez
Artists We Also Like
Danzig, The Ramones, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Decendents, and many many more...
Press Contact
Booking Agent
Virignia Lopez
Sons of Hercules
Garage / Punk / Rock & Roll
Band Members
San Antonio, TX
Short Description
Knuckle-draggin' garage rock heavily influenced by The Stooges, MC5, New York Dolls, The Saints, The Dictators, Nuggets, Pebbles...y'know...the GOOD STUFF.
Ask any connoisseur of classic late-60's/early-70's fuzzed-out, guitar-driven backstreet rock-n-roll (ie: MC5, New York Dolls, The Stooges, etc), and they'll likely tell you that Texas' Sons Of Hercules are one of the mightiest bands on earth today.... Fueled by the sneering charisma of veteran vocalist Frank Pugliese, San Antonio’s Sons of Hercules are no-nonsense artisans of raw-powered garage rock, knocking out stellar slabs of Nuggets-flavored noise that would’ve gotten them on Bandstand 40 years ago!
Current Location
San Antonio/Austin, TX
Sorted Scoundrels
Joe Padilla-Vocals, guitar
Chris Zavala-lead guitar
Michelle Ramone-bass
Kelly Davies-drums
Good ole lodi dodi punk rock for the brothers.
(512) 952-0140
The Soulphonics
Start Date
Founded in October 2007
American Garage Rock and Roll!
Band Members
Kevin "The Skindriver" Connolly - drums; Joe Emery - bass; Lee Lazarine - guitar; Reid Watson - guitar; Glen Worley - guitar
Austin, Texas
Record Label
Scratched Records (Scratched Records sound better!)
Short Description
The Soulphonics play American garage rock and roll: 3 minutes to remember the dance that it took 1000 years to forget!
Guitarist Glen Worley and drummer Kevin Connolly travelled 40,000 miles together from 1979-1983 as founding members of the Austin band The Rattlecats, which Austin’s Third Coast magazine once described as "sounding more like The Clash than anything on this side of the Atlantic." Along the way they played shows with such bands as The Fleshtones, Dave Edmunds, The Bongos, Joe King Carrasco and the Crowns, Jason and the Scorchers, The Leroi Brothers, and lots of other bands in towns and cities from Austin to Omaha. The Rattlecats 45 rpm single 'Run My Life/Back to Life' can be found on the Hyped2Death compilation album Teenline 101. After the breakup of The Rattlecats in late 1983, Kevin and Glen formed The Rivals in early 1984 and Reid Watson joined the band in the spring of 1985. The Rivals played frequently in Austin and Houston, headlining local shows and opening shows for such bands as The Beat Farmers, and Webb Wilder and the Beatnecks. In 1986 The Rivals released "One Side Of", a six song cassette tape that received favorable reviews. In 1988 Reid left the band and no suitable replacement could be found. Flash forward to September 2007 when Reid ran into Glen on the UT Austin campus, where all three work, and suggested getting together. After nearly 20 years apart the two reunited at Glen's house outside of Elgin, Texas, and found that they had a blast playing the kind of music that they love: American Garage Rock and Roll. Luke Torn, long time Rattlecats and Rivals fan and former Austin Chronicle writer, now editor of Pop Culture Press, happened to be in charge of booking bands for the Cherrywood Arts Fair, held each December in Austin, and asked about the two to make an appearance at the 2007 Cherrywood Art Fair. When Reid asked Glen about this, he said that he had vowed that, if he ever played again, if would be under the name "The Soulphonics", a band name he had wanted to use ever since high school. Reid's reply was, "Who am I to stand between a man and his dream!" Kevin “The Skindriver” Connolly soon found out about this and asked, “When’s the next rehearsal?” In March 2011 The Soulphonics released their 16 song debut album 'The DYNAMIC SOUNDS of The Soulphonics'. Reid Watson left the band in January of 2012. Guitarist Lee Lazarine of the Dallas-based band, The Mullens, joined the band in February and then Joe Emery of The Ugly Beats came in to play bass. The new line-up made their first appearance during SXSW 2012 at a day party.
Personal Information
The Soulphonics play American garage rock and roll: 3-4 minute songs, including instrumentals!, full of hooks and mostly about the pain of love, of life, and death, and no guitar noodling! 1966 AM radio at 4 AM. 3 minutes to remember the dance that it took 1000 years to forget. The Soulphonics 2011 debut album 'The DYNAMIC SOUNDS of The Soulphonics' contains sixteen tunes: thirteen original songs and covers of three obscure songs from the 1960’s, chosen from the band’s repertoire of over fifty tunes. The Soulphonics’ Christmas classic “All I Want for Christmas Is a Job”, previously released as limited edition single in late 2010, is also included. The CD can be purchased in Austin at Antone's Record Shop or Waterloo Records or from and can also be downloaded there, on iTunes, Amazon, or other music sites.
The Soulphonics can be seen the first Wednesday of each month at the fabulous Carousel Lounge in Austin, Texas, and occasionally play other venues around the Austin area, though the Carousel has been their home base for the past two years. The Soulphonics do not have a bass player and they are OK with that. Check out to hear Soulphonic music, see photos, link to tons of youtube clips, and more!
Current Location
Austin, Texas
General Manager
Glen Worley
Artists We Also Like
Ugly Beats, Tom Petty and the Hearbreakers, Muck and the Mires, Woggles, Fleshtones, Flamin' Groovies, etc.
The Kingsmen, Shadows of Knight, Bo Diddley, Eddie Cochran, Nick Lowe, The Seeds, The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Pebbles V. 9!!!, Lenny Kaye, Little Steven's Underground Garage, The Shadows (Hank Marvin!!!), Link Wray, The Leroi Brothers, Chuck Berry, Wilko Johnson, The Brogues, Teisco del Rey, Social Distortion, The Replacements, The Fleshtones (Yeah, baby!), Dave Edmunds, 1966 AM Radio, The Beat Farmers, Smithereens, Plimsouls, Neil Young, Guadacanal Diary, Johnny Cash, The Strangeloves, The Easybeats, Flaming Groovies, Magic Christian, the amazing Cyril Jordan!, Gretsch guitars (That Great Gretsch Sound!), Rickenbacker guitars, Fender amps, Maestro Fuzz Tone FZ-1A(!), Hoodoo Gurus, Del Lords, Del Fuegos, Real Kids, The Standells, Count Five, Bobby Fuller Four, The Yardbirds, The Kinks, The Oneders (love the red suits!)The Ramones, New York Dolls, Ventures (Nokie Edwards!!), The Who, Webb Wilder, Music Machine, The Remains, X (Billy Zoom!), Dave Alvin, Mike Ness, Davie Allan and the Arrows, The Lyres, Husker Du, Bob Mould, Moulty (He don't want no pity!), Buddy Holly,
Band Interests
World domination and getting rid of the corporate bizmen who are running the music industry into the ground!
Press Contact
Glen Worley
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